Since September 2014, COERR with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has organized the organic agricultural training courses for refugee trainers in a program to prepare for future repatriation when situation allows.
The intensive course aimed at preparing refugees to become trainers in the homeland. The intensive curriculum consists of general understanding about environment and ecology, preservation of natural resources, crop diversity, soil improvement, organic farming, etc. During September – December, 180 refugee farmers from 9 refugee communities have been trained to become organic farming trainers in the future.
The first Training was organized in Mae La Camp during October 20-24, 2014, in which 30 refugees are preparing for becoming qualified trainers. Contents are made in lectures, Power Point Presentation and Practical Session. Trainers are COERR Agricultural staff in each camp.

The training during November 17-21, was attended by 20 trainees (4 men and 16 women) in Nupo camp. The camp commander has presided the opening of this intensive training in which the curriculum include planting and soil management.

The Organic Farming Training for 30 trainees was arranged in Ban Mae La Oon, Mae Hong Son Province during 1-6 and 15-19 December 2014
